Monday, December 15, 2008

THE 6th CHAKRA PORTAL - Jyotish (light)

Hi brother bloggers of Baba! I am hoping to make the next couple of weeks a gradual descent down the chakras (portal by portal with useful links) to the root money chakra portal; returning to the financial crisis and economy. Hopefully, with us sharing more knowledge staggered and appropriate to each portal, this will better compartmentalize our insights and perhaps lead to better spiritual, yet practical, opinions, ideas and solutions for our selves and world after having journeyed through the higher portals! Just a nice notion really but would generally like the material to focus on one portal at a time. When the material seesm to be saturated for that portal I will initiate a new portal by posting a chakra introduction using a definition of the chakra (taken from the posting on Kundalini Yoga sent to me by Hamish) So now please enter the 6th Portal!

Definition for the Mind Chakra (of SAI YOGIC WEB)

vi. Ajna Chakra (from post on Kundalini Yoga)

Ajna means command so this chakra is the center of command where it receives instructions from the Guru. It is also known as the third eye and is the most difficult one to locate. It is situated in the posterior brain at the pineal gland right at the top of the spinal cord in the medulla oblongata. The trigger point is the eyebrow center. The Ida, Pingala and Sushumna Nadis merge at the Ajna Chakra and travel to the crown of the head as one. Ajna is held as the chakra of time, awareness and of light (Jyotish). It is symbolized by a lotus with 2 petals and ruled by the Moon & Sun

(Also Bindhu Chakra – Most important chakra in Kundalini Yoga and is situated at the top back of the head where Hindu Brahmins traditionally wear a tuft of hair. It is the seat of psychic and mystical experiences. Not normally mentioned with the 7 chakras - an additional 8th chakra between 6th and 7th - material to be added here along with 6th)


Please send any postings on Gurus, philosophies (non-advaitic, socratic, dualistic, scientific), the mind and its management, meditation & the mystical, or more about metaphysics considering the school; the Mystic Inn of the 7th ray; opening in Mysore. Also see the earlier post (Swami's Metaphysical School) on the suggested syllabus for related content. Of the topics mentioned I hope to make some posts about vedic astrology
as the highest limbs or "angas" of the Vedas.

JYOTISH (Eye of the Vedas) - Vedic Astrology

Hopefully, it will help initiate a forum later for Sai devotees to learn more about this spiritual science and its spiritual significance as the "eye" of the Vedas (6th ajna chakra). Its study helps awaken the intuitive sight and light (jyotish) to perceive the unity in diversity in our world through appreciating the metaphysical language of metaphor and astrological symbolism. It, thereby grants a subtle knowledge of the Vedas and human nature, breeding greater tolerance through understanding. It also reveals the right timing for everything under the Sun!

MAIN PURPOSES OF JYOTISH (study of Light and Timing):


2. Jungian Psychology (mind, symbology & correspondences)

3. Spiritual (understanding vedas and metaphysical symbology)

Prediction (mundane)

5. Fore-casting (financial, political etc.)


7. On Line Learning: for practical time management (fore-casting/muhurta), self-knowledge (psychology & nature of the mind) and self-healing (remedials and self empowerment)

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