Saturday, December 13, 2008

Moksha (Freedom) Prayers

Shankacharya is considered by Hindus to be an incarnation of the Siva principle, one of the greatest philosophers of India and the original propounder of the Advaita philosophy. Thought it would be appropriate to share his prayer for ultimate bliss and freedom along with some other familiar and relevant moksha prayers.

Six Verses (Pada) on Freedom (Moksha - Nirvana - the Self )

by Adi Shankacharya (the original advaitic philosopher)

I am not mind (manas), wisdom (buddhi), pride (ahamka), and heart (chitta).

Neither I am ear and tongue nor I am nose and eyes (senses - organs of knowledge)

Neither I am sky (space) or earth nor I am power (fire) or wind (air) - ie. elements or tatwas

I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv (the Self), I am Shiv.(the Self)

I am not the state of being alive or the five type of Vayu (prana, upana etc.).

Neither I am the seven elements constituting the body (Dhatus) nor I am the five sheaths which invest the soul.

Neither I am voice, hand, or leg nor I am the portion at the bottom of waist (anus or Linga).

I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv (the Self) I am Shiv (the Self)

I am not the state of envy and passion or the emotions of greed and attachment (6 enemies of mind)

Neither I am intoxication nor I am the emotion of jealousy.

And I am not even the four Purushartha — Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha.

I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv (the Self), I am Shiv (the Self)

I am not Punya (good deed), Paap (Sin), Saukhya (friendship), or Dukha (Grief).

Neither I am chants (Mantra) or Shrine (Teertha) nor I am the Veda or the sacrifice and oblation.

Also, I am not the food, or the one that should be eaten, or the eater.

I am eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv (the Self), I am Shiv (the Self)

Neither I am the fear of death nor I am the difference between races.

Neither I am [any relation like] father, mother, nor I am born.

Also, I am not a relative, a friend, a teacher (Guru), or a student (Shisya).

I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv (the Self), I am Shiv (the Self)

I am free from changes, and lack all the qualities and form.

I envelope all forms from all sides and am beyond the sense-organs.

I am always in the state of equality — there is no liberation (Mukti) or captivity (Bandha).

I am the eternal happiness or bliss state, I am Shiv (the Self) , I am Shiv (the Self)

MRITYANJAYA MANTRA (of Sri Rudram - Siva)
Om Tryambhakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat

We worship the Three-eyed One (Lord Siva).
Who is fragrant and who nourishes well all beings.
May He liberate us from death for the sake of immortality,
Even as the cucumber is severed from bondage to the creeper.

Asato Ma Sad Gamaya,
Tamaso Ma Joytir Gamaya,
Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya,
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi.

"O Lord Lead Us From The Unreal To The Real,
Lead Us From Untruth To Truth,
Lead Us From Darkness To Light,
Lead Us From Death To Immortality,
Oh God Let There Be Peace Peace Peace".

Paramam Pavitram Baba Vibhutim,
Paramam Vichitram Leela Vibhutim,
Paramartha Ishtartha Moksha Pradatam,
Baba Vibhutim Idamas Yami.

"BABA'S Vibhuti Is Immensely Sacred And Powerful; It's Effects Are Mysterious. One Should Take Refuge In The Supreme, Protective Power And Infinite Grace Of Baba's Vibhuti Which Enables One To Attain Moksha (Liberation)".


The Sri Rudram is the highest of the Vedic Chants and prayers; propriating the highest formless Absolute (Rudra-Siva) for His Grace through worship of the abstract symbol of the Lingam. It consists of Namakam (name) and Chamakan (form). The first part asks to be protected from Siva's wrath/purification (Namakam) and the second part asks for all the prosperity (Chamakam). Interestingly, swami recently conducted a series of Yagnas involving 11 pits and chanting of this mantra over 11 days by Rudriks skilled in this and it - called the Adhi Rudra Yagna. It followed the ritual strictly as instructed from the Yajur Krishna Ved and it was the first time it had been conducted correctly since Rama's incarnation. It was conducted for the purifiactiona dn prosperity for the whoel world and seemed an essential step in Swami's mission to transform the world. Sinced then he has encouraged and commanded everyone to learn and recite the Sri Rudram for the highest sanctity, blessing and service to one and all. So along with these above prayers, this prayer of the Sri Rudram, of which the Mrityamjaya mantra is an extracted paragraph, is the most potent in invoking and drawing down the Grace from the Absolute (Father).

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